The following ethical principles cover all parties involved in the publishing process: publishing house, editorial board, scientific committee, reviewers, and authors.

Responsibilities of the publishing house:
Biuletyn Naukowy Wrocławskiej Wyższej Szkoły Informatyki Stosowanej. Informatyka is published as a yearbook. The publisher makes every effort to ensure that successive issues of the journal appear regularly, according to the schedule. All of them are available for free at In addition, they can be consulted in the university’s reading room, as well as at the National Library in Warsaw and the Jagiellonian Library in Cracow, to which the publishing house provides obligatory copies. The portal maintained by the publishing house contains a complete set of information on the functioning of the journal, as well as the procedures and recommendations in force, and the data contained therein – especially on the editorial board, scientific committee, and reviewers – are updated on an ongoing basis. The publishing house makes every effort to make the website clear and functional.
The publisher informs that the exclusive owner of the journal is Wrocławska Wyższa Szkoła Informatyki Stosowanej we Wrocławiu, and it is entirely in charge of the related processes.

Responsibilities of the editorial board
The editors undertake to verify the adherence to ethical standards in published articles on an ongoing basis and to promptly counteract any misconduct in this regard. The Editorial Board declares that all articles will be evaluated solely for their substantive content and contribution to science and compliance with the Bulletin’s requirements, excluding aspects not directly related to the publication, especially those of a discriminatory nature, concerning such issues as beliefs, race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, transgender, ancestry, or nationality. In addition, the editors ensure full confidentiality throughout the article submission process, keeping submitted texts only for the information of those directly involved (in particular, reviewers, the scientific committee, and members of the editorial board themselves) and only for publication purposes. Papers not accepted for publication due to negative reviews are not used in any way by members of the team who worked on them, without the prior consent of the author(s). Texts prior to review are checked for compliance with the rules related to the protection of intellectual property rights, in particular, the possible commission of plagiarism, self-plagiarism, the occurrence of ghostwriting, and guest writing. In the event that legal violations are found, the editors take appropriate legal action.
If they are found after the publication of the article, the editors undertake to make appropriate corrections and apologies, to correct or mark the text as defective. he editors also make corrections of noted unintentional errors in data and information in individual papers.

Responsibilities of the scientific committee
The Scientific Committee undertakes to ensure compliance with the principles of scientific ethics and to provide expert opinions on disputed substantive issues, excluding aspects not directly related to the publication, especially those of a discriminatory nature.

Responsibilities of reviewers
Reviewers undertake to ensure objectivity and exclude any non-substantive issues in their reviews. They may only review papers in fields in which they are competent, and when they have sufficient time resources to complete the review within the declared timeframe. In the event of a potential conflict of interest, they withdraw from evaluating articles, notifying the editors. They maintain full confidentiality regarding the material submitted to them and do not use it for their own benefit. Reviewers also endeavor to communicate clearly with authors and provide guidance, particularly on possible corrections that would allow the paper to be published, as well as sources omitted by the author. If an author is suspected of violating intellectual property rules, reviewers are obliged to report this to the editors. The editors report that all articles that have passed its initial evaluation and have been deemed potentially suitable for publication are referred for review.

Obligations of authors
Authors undertake to submit to the editors only original material, contributing to the field, of their own authorship – or with the indication of co-authors. The author should make sure that he or she has indicated as co-authors only those who participated in the work on the article, and that they have agreed to deliver the text to the editor. Cases of ghost writing and guest authorship will not be tolerated. Plagiarism is also unacceptable: authors are required to correctly and fully mark the sources used. They also may not submit texts that constitute self-plagiarism, already published or sent in parallel to other editors. Authors must ensure the correctness of the information and data contained in the work under pain of rejection of the article, as well as objectivity. The editors oblige the authors to actively participate in the process of reviewing the materials submitted by them and to make the necessary corrections, to inform about their own and other authors’ contributions in the case of co-authorship, to include data on the financing of the research carried out (if they relate to the submitted work), to communicate with the editors on an ongoing basis on matters relating to publication, and to notify the editors of any errors and inaccuracies in the text once they are discovered. The editors do not charge for the inclusion of articles in Biuletyn Naukowy Wrocławskiej Wyższej Szkoły Informatyki Stosowanej. Informatyka.

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